Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Quinoa Bread

My third attempt at making this bread in the Bread Maker did not come out as planned. I increased the flour but not enough, at least I think that is the problem. Will increase again in my next attempt.

Felix doing his terror run this morning. Jumped onto my desk at lightning speed and didn't disturb anything on it.

Common or Northern Flicker recently spotted in our backyard, Tony managed to take a picture as he was perched on the Hydro pole in the backyard.


Lori said...

The bread looks wonderful!!! YUM!!! I love your pictures. Hope you are doing well Claudia!! ((BIG HUGS))!!

Susan said...

Hi Claudia, I have to give you credit for making your bread. When I was first married almost 39 years ago, I use to bake bread and there was no food processor. I used my hands and the bread came out so good! But lots of work. I was happy to see my hubby and grandpa enjoy it. Keep trying and maybe I should look into it too.

Anonymous said...

Hi Claudia;

The bread looks delicious even though it didn't come out as you planned. I just scrolled through your photos. Enjoyed seeing Felix and the Northern Flicker. I love the vinca and the other flowers you planted.
Have a lovely day ahead my friend. Hugs