Saturday, December 22, 2012

I finished 'Something Borrowed' by Emily Giffin. It was fast light read, chic literature. At first I didn't care for the storyline. Something not quite right about the main character, Rachel, sleeping with her best friend's (Darcy) fiance (Dex).

The whole book I kept trying to get inside Dex's head to figure out why he was cheating, why he wouldn't make a decision, why he stayed with Darcy. He said he loved Rachel. So why couldn't make a decision.

Actually I don't think the story is as much about the love triangle as it is about friendship. The story of childhood turned adult friendship was very well done. Even though I wanted to strangle Darcy, I could see why Rachel had remained friends with her.

I am reading Sutton by J.R. Moehringer. Willie Sutton was born in the squalid Irish slums of Brooklyn, in the first year of the twentieth century, and came of age at a time when banks were out of control. If they weren't failing outright, causing countless Americans to lose their jobs and homes, they were being propped up with emergency bailouts. Trapped in a cycle of panics, depressions and soaring unemployment...more

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